Two winter days on the South Island

Prior to my British interlude, we traveled up and down the South Island during the school holidays, which are beautifully designed for travel. School here is divided into quarters rather than semesters; there are two weeks of holiday between each quarter, with six weeks in the summer (over the Christmas season). This seems eminently sensible to me and avoids the problem of summer regression.

Michelle tried something new on this journey and booked us into a backpacker’s hostel, which are absolutely everywhere on these islands.

IMG_9244 Backpacker hostel OamaruIt works particularly well for us as dorm rooms come with six beds, and it just so happens…

IMG_9239In the mornings the sun is weak and tepid, as one can see by this photo taken in the morning about 10AM.

IMG_9250 Cantebury early morningSunrise the day this photo was taken was 8:25 and sunset 5:20. You can imagine how we need to squeeze things into a 9 hours day. Summer travel was significantly different, with 15 hours (and exhausted children) to deal with.

This was our first journey up the coast since the winter snows.

IMG_9267 IMG_9324IMG_9340 late afternoon kaikora mountainsIMG_9352IMG_9359 sheepThat night we stayed in Kaikoura on the upper east coast. Sunrise the next morning was stunning

IMG_9383IMG_9402 Kaikora morningIMG_9437 IMG_9471All four of the above pictures were taken within 90 minutes of each other. We then went whale watching. The view from the ticket office was rather pretty.IMG_9504The reason why whale watching is so good in Kaikoura (Kai = food & koura = crayfish in Maori) is that there is an offshore canyon three-quarters of a mile deep that comes within a mile of the coast. Whales dive for food practically within swimming distance of the shore.

kaikoura-canyonIf you drained all of the water out, it would looks something like this

4825783We saw six sperm whales that day.IMG_9564The water was very calm, which was good, since the last time Michelle and I tried this, my morning coffee and muffin ended up in a bag.

Emily had a lovely time and here is Ben trying to explain something

IMG_9531IMG_9570We traveled up the coast through earthquake central.

IMG_1509This photo was taken in Marlborough, just outside of Seddon where an earthquake struck just two days later.

The day ended as beautifully as it began. After finding DOGFISH HEAD 90 MINUTE IPA in a grocery story in Blenheim !!!! (just down the road from the Mount Riley winery).

IMG_8390Sunset came upon us



1 thought on “Two winter days on the South Island

  1. What an awesome post! I especially like the shots of your family sprinkled in….keep more of those coming! Wow! How beautiful & what an experience! Tell Michelle & the kids hi!

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